
Better Writing At Work
Contact me if you want to bring this workshop to your office (Upcoming workshop dates TBA)
You can’t afford to be a bad writer anymore.
We're responsible for more written work than generations before us could have ever imagined; even in a world of conference calls and video chats, good writing skills are vital to our working lives. Clear, concise, and correct communication leads to better results, less frustration, and smoother work days. Doesn't that sound good to you?
Become a better writer—and a better communicator—with Better Writing at Work. In this interactive workshop, we'll go beyond just talking about the key components to effective business writing; you'll start applying the concepts so you can take them with you to improve whatever you write in a day. SPECIAL BONUS: You'll gain overall communication skills that you can apply to your whole life, something Grammarly and other tech solutions just can't do for you.
Still not sure why writing skills are so important? There’s a blog post for that. 😉
What you get:
Half-day, interactive workshop
Take-home reference materials and resources
Improved communication skills
Your commitment:
$125 for single registration
(includes GST)
10% discount if you coordinate a group
(2-8 people, depending on availability)
An open mind

We’ll keep it cozy and casual with a small group; each session has room for a maximum of eight people, so book your spot now.